Crib Accessories

A foam mattress like the Colgate Mattress Company Classica I Foam Crib Mattressis significantly lighter weight than a coil mattress. This particular one also has rectangular edges to for a flush fit with the inside of the crib and has gotten good reviews. However, this is at times a bit tough to find.

If you prefer to buy a standard coil mattress, do not purchase one with lower than 80 coils. Over 160 coils and the mattress tends to feel overly firm. Sealy in general has gotten fairly good reviews. Watch out for crib stores attempting to upsell you on an expensive mattress. This is really not necessary.

The winner: Sealy Baby Posturepedic Crib Mattress - Mini Fleur

At roughly $100, this mattress was just right. It is firm at 220 coils and sits fairly flush inside the crib.

Crib Bumpers
Crib bumpers line the inside of the crib with padding. In general, this is an unnecessary expense. Some will also indicate a correlation between SIDS and use of these crib bumpers.

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